
No one knows exactly what another person is going through. You never know her emotions, her life, what she's been through to be doing so. You never really know.
So don't ever jump to conclusions based merely on what you see at that brief moment because in truth, that person might not be all you claim her to be. She's more than that. and you know nothing.
Still, I'm really glad that there are people who will stick up for me. They seem to know the underlying experiences and instead of judging, they respect you. They see things from a very different perspective. Okay I guess I think too much. can't help it, my brain ain't gonna stop.
You know, there's a way out for me. away from all this stress, all this . I can stop my A-Level now.. go home.. take my driving license, enjoy the slow and relaxed pace of life, take delight in doing house chores, wait for matrik, if i get it, go for it and if i dont, go for july intake. Half of me wants to do that right now. But that's not where I NEED to go.
So I thought friends were sufficient. to keep the blues away. But the happiness lasts only in the moment. When I get back to my room, I sit alone. and the lonely pangs hit. and I feel like I need more. more love. and where else to find the love that truly satisfies but in God? Where's the fire and the spirit to do well in A-Level?to study hard? to give it my all, to love others with unconditional love?! I can hardly even stay happy myself. It's like, I want company. I feel lonely. Honestly, I do. I want someone to relate to. Someone who will listen to everything I wanna talk about. and you know, just lend me a listening ear! This is so hard. Who'd want to listen to another person go on and on about everything? I guess it all comes back to me being the person I want others to be for me. I have to do unto others what I'd have them do to me. Isn't that so? That's how it works. You reap what you sow.
Stress level, high.
Okay, maybe I should just focus on the better things in life. Good things. Like friends. I have really cool classmates ya know. Well maybe I get a little disappointed with some of them, only because I place expectations of who I want them to be. I shouldn't do that, at all. I need to accept people the way they are, whomever they choose to be.
Life would be so much easier and happier, wouldn't it?
Still, it really hurts when you think this close friend IS your close friend only to find out. not. I'm really disappointed with this one friend, really.
never mind one person already, life has so much to offer. I'm gonna live each day with purpose, doing something different. touching hearts, bringing warmth to people. Somehow, doing things for others makes ME happy :)
